Many women lack adequate education about menopause, causing many to hit this stage in their life with little to no information about how to soothe the symptoms. Thus, they scour the web finding an overwhelming amount of “advice” about which herbs are the best for cooling hot flashes, etc.
Chike Aguh Gynecologist says that cutting through the non-science-backed method is challenging, especially for women dealing with the tell-tale signs and symptoms of menopause. So, healthcare professionals have banded together to offer a professional overview of the best ways to tackle the discomfort that comes with this stage of life.
Ways to Manage Menopause for Comfortably Transitioning to The Next Stage in Life
Before diving in, it’s worth remembering that menopause does not require medical treatment — it’s a healthy, natural process, after all. However, as many will already know, it can be less than comfortable to experience.
With that in mind, the methods below must be treated as soothers, rather than “cures,” and it’s always important to remember that everybody is different. Therefore, what works for Jane may not work for Sue.
Hormone Therapy
Hormone therapy, also known as estrogen therapy, is today’s most effective treatment for soothing menopausal hot flashes. Doctors typically prescribe estrogen in its lowest dosage for the shortest duration required to find relief.
Individuals who still have their uterus must be prescribed progestin alongside estrogen to prevent bone loss.
Since nothing comes without risk, people should be aware that long-term use of hormone therapy could carry some breast cancer and cardiovascular risks.
Home Remedies
The very nature of menopause means most associated signs and symptoms are temporary. Therefore, some women choose to stick to home remedies and lifestyle habits like:
- Sleeping — Avoiding caffeine and alcohol is key to getting good rest. But if hot flashes are spoiling attempts, the Mayo Clinic recommends drinking cold glasses of water and figuring out what triggers the flashes.
- Relaxation methods — Deep breathing, massage, and guided imagery could help with menopausal symptoms.
- Strengthen pelvic floor — Kegel exercises can improve urinary incontinence.
- Prevent vaginal discomfort — Over-the-counter, water-based lubricants like Sliquid and K-Y Jelly can prevent uncomfortable vaginal dryness that may occur through menopause.

Alternative Medicine
Finally, there are plenty of alternative medicines that have been marketed toward menopausal people. However, there aren’t many backed by science.
Some alternative treatments that have been studied include:
- Phytoestrogens — Otherwise known as plant estrogens, they’re found naturally in foods. Sage contains compounds that perform like estrogen, effectively managing menopause symptoms.
- Acupuncture — It could have some short-term effects on decreasing hot flashes. But evidence hasn’t shown consistent improvements.
Breaking the Black Cohosh Myth
Recent years have seen menopausal women swear by black cohosh and its ability to reduce symptoms of menopause. However, little evidence exists suggesting that it has any effect. Plus, it could be harmful to the liver and to women with a history of breast cancer.
Age Healthily By Managing Menopause Symptoms
Individuals having ongoing, life-disrupting trouble with menopause symptoms should speak to their primary doctor.