International Women’s Day comes but once a year, but women’s health remains a topic at the forefront of many people’s minds. And there is a plethora of myths surrounding women’s healthcare that need debunking, according to Chike Aguh M.D.
Global News reported that falsehoods circulating around female conditions are often the primary talking points during screening appointments, and OB/GYN’s around the world are coming across more than their fair share.
Balancing Hormones and Testing Hormone Levels
According to physicians, two major myths surrounding women’s health are that hormones can be balanced, and blood tests are required to test hormone levels. Both are untrue, and they aren’t discussed enough.
Educators and doctors alike aren’t informing the public appropriately about this side of healthcare, creating gaps in the industry. And it’s a sad fact that many women’s legitimate questions are dismissed, ultimately having them seek products in the wellness industry that exploit such gaps.
Healthcare professionals explain that hormonal changes governing the reproductive cycle, puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause fall under hormonal health.
Experts warn that social media has exacerbated the problem, with companies attempting to sell products to “fix” issues with women’s health. Sadly, these products gimmicks.
The Untruths Surrounding Tampons
Women are constantly bombarded with myths about tampons , whether or not they should use them and that they may be harmful to one’s health. But gynecologists are quick to mention that the majority of these statements are entirely untrue.
Perhaps one of the primary myths about tampons is that users can contract deadly TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome).
The truth is that tampons do not cause TSS. In fact, the syndrome is caused by staphylococcus aureus, a strain of bacteria. It’s very rare and ultra-treatable, especially when it’s identified early on. Nine times out of ten, women seek treatment for their symptoms before it becomes TSS.
On top of that, many women believe tampons increase their risk of endometriosis. Again, this isn’t true. The exact cause of endometriosis is yet to be determined, however the tissue surrounding the uterus thickens, and becomes trapped, causing bands of fibrous tissue that can develop scaring and adhesions, leading to pelvic pain and infertility.
One cause of endometriosis relates to retrograde menstruation. This is where the myth has gained traction — some women believe that tampons can block the cervix during menstruation and can reverse the course of flow. However, retrograde menstruation is a common occurrence that most women experience at some point of their reproductive life.
Finally, tampons cannot get lost inside the body, despite what people may have heard. While they can insert higher up and the string can tuck inside, they aren’t lost. The cervix is a barricade between the uterus and the vagina, meaning the latter is essentially a dead end.

Learning The Truth About the Human Body Will Boost Women’s Wellness
The majority of gynecologists would like to see more education proliferate women’s health, encouraging women to ask their healthcare providers about their questions through open discussions.
Additionally, utilizing legitimate resources is a great way for individuals to learn more about the functions of their body and how it works. Pursuing untrustworthy sources like unqualified celebrities and social media pages will only further exacerbate these widespread myths.
People who wish to educate themselves on their bodies should seek out their trusted physician’s office for answers to their health-related questions.